You don’t need any help to connect happyhotel with 3RPMS.
In a few seconds you can connect your 3RPMS account with happyhotel.
Now you can directly start with revenue management.

Connect 3RPMS with happyhotel

Go to your 3RPMS account and create an API Key under Settings.

3rpms settings api_key

After you have copied the key, go to your happyhotel account and perform the following steps:
Settings -> Integrations -> 3RPMS

integrationen happyhotel 3rpms

Then you can insert the API key. After a few seconds, the systems are automatically connected and you can start directly with happyhotel.

integrationen_happyhotel 3rpms api_key

3RPMS is a PMS with which you manage your bookings and your room plan. 3RPMS is a partner of happyhotel, we work closely together and the systems complement each other perfectly. With happyhotel you have your revenue management under control and can easily automate your prices. happyhotel tries to predict the demand in the future and adjusts the prices accordingly. With the dynamic prices you achieve up to 25% more turnover.

Do you need help with integration?

Get in touch with our support! We are happy to support you with the integration and help you free of charge. Thereafter, start your revenue management with apaleo and happyhotel.

Contact support now: