More revenue for your hotel
Automate your room rates

More revenue for your hotel
Automate your room rates

Our intelligent machine learning algorithms optimally adjust your room rates. Optimize your pricing strategy based on occupancy, events and current demand.

Our intelligent machine learning algorithms optimally adjust your room rates. Optimize your pricing strategy based on occupancy, events and current demand.

Test now 14 days for free Explore Profitability calculator

happyhotel revenue management

Price recommendations for more revenue

Market demand and prices are different for each night and room type.
happyhotel will calculate your optimal room price. Get exclusive price suggestions for your hotel based on occupancy, events, current demand and booking speed.
happyhotel calculates your demand and gives you price recommendations for your hotel with the highest RevPAR.

Revenue Increase with Revenue Management

Increase in customer lifetime value

Planning and calculating ahead has never been so easy!

More about happyhotel

Pickup calendar as cohort analysis

With our Pickup Calendar you can see directly all your bookings. Analyze exactly for which period your guests have booked.
The calendar is dynamic and the fields can be adjusted to change the periods.

Quick control of the pickup data

Always current data

Pickup data analysis

Test happyhotel now

happyhotel Pickup Report
happyhotel Tool ADR

Analyze your PMS data

For a successful revenue management you need an overview of all your hotel data. happyhotel compares different metrics with each other and provides you with exact evaluations of pickup, ADR, RevPar, occupancy, occupancy rates and sales.
Furthermore you can display the metrics in different dimensions.
View the metrics per room category, market segment or booking channel and compare them with each other. Structured diagrams give you a quick overview.

Automated price transmission

Intelligent machine learning algorithms support you in your planning. The transfer of all prices into your PMS and CM is fully automated several times a day. Thanks to automation without much effort for you!

Fully automated price transmission

Optimized price strategy increases the profitability of your business

Price adjustments based on analytical data and not arbitrary

happyhotel Prices Revenue Management

Without any commitment – this is how you can test happyhotel

process of testing happyhotel

Without any commitment – this is how you can test happyhotel

What are you waiting for? – Make an appointment with us

In an online meeting, we will show you how you too can use happyhotel profitably in your hotel.

We will discuss your current situation and analyze your hotel’s revenue management requirements together

We will give you a brief insight into our revenue management tool and explain the most important functions to you

We work with you to develop a customized revenue management strategy to take your hotel to the next level


Optimize your yield and revenue management

With the help of the right room price you can increase your profits in a short time. Learn how to read your PMS data and get more out of it. Convince yourself of happyhotel and register here directly. Do not miss out on these advantages:

15 %


90 %

Time Saved

100 %

Overview of your hotel

Start now with happyhotel!

Free Version

Register with happyhotel today and test the program with demo data

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We are always available for you! During your test phase and also afterwards we guarantee you free help.

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Free setup

We support you with the setup. After a short introduction you can start directly.

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