The happyhotel wiki by hoteliers for hoteliers

In our hotel lexicon, general hotel terms are explained. In addition, we provide various CSV templates and PDFs for the control of your hotel for you to download. We would like to share our knowledge with you. We try to make our contributions and content as practical and understandable as possible for you.

Free templates to download

We have many templates that you can easily download. With our templates you can easily and quickly build and run your hotel. Whether it’s marketing or your pricing, you’ll find many different templates with us. The templates are available as CSV and Word documents.

With our lexicon you will quickly get more knowledge

With our lexicon you get knowledge, which we have collected over years. We cooperate with the Hotelfachschule Südliche Weinstraße in Edenkoben and the Hotelfachschule in Heidelberg.
With the help of different approaches we try to explain terms and approaches to you.

What is a wiki?

A wiki is a collection of content that can be read and commented on by different website visitors. Moreover, a wiki can be edited by the readers at any time. Our hotel wiki also depends on you sending us your ideas, suggestions and questions on various topics. We are happy if we can prepare topics for you that are important and interesting for you and your hotel. The goal of a wiki is to convey important content, experiences and knowledge to the readers. It should be presented in an understandable form and thus be easy to read. The texts are accompanied by photos, videos and graphics. A wiki thus serves to document important content.

What is the difference to an lexicon entry?

In contrast to a wiki, an lexicon also serves as documentation, but primarily as a means of conveying and processing knowledge. An encyclopedia does not answer specific questions or topics, but resembles a dictionary or reference book.

How often are there new lexicon entries?

The happyhotel lexicon and wiki lives from its content! The contents and contributions appear regularly online. The structure of the hotel lexicon is alphabetical and will receive new entries monthly.

Who writes the lexicon and wiki contributions?

The various contributions, evaluations and documentations are written by us – the happyhotel team! And we are experienced hoteliers who not only write from our own experience, but also want to involve you. If you have exciting ideas and suggestions for new topics, you can contact us at any time. However, we also regularly involve external experts in our encyclopedia and ask them about specialized topics.

Free templates

In addition to the articles, we also publish templates that you can download for free. The templates are for example Excel spreadsheets that you can use yourself.

How do the contributions help me in my hotel?

Our hotel lexicon and wiki contributions can support you and your hotel in your work. We show you important topics that you can learn from and apply directly to your hotel. We want to show you helpful topics and provide new knowledge. We also create a selection of templates that you can download and use for your hotel. So you learn something for yourself and your success.