Increasing turnover in a hotel is probably the goal of all hoteliers. You can spend a lot of money on marketing and hope to increase occupancy.

But you can increase the turnover in your hotel so easily! Because there must be another way to charge the right price at the optimal time. Thanks to the right hotel calculation, you can easily achieve an increase in turnover.


Price structures with rack rates and levels

A well thought-out price structure is one of the factors that determine the success of a hotel. After all, a hotelier is first and foremost a salesperson and wants to sell his rooms to potential guests. He can choose different measures and strategies to make himself and his hotel appear attractive.

For example, the price structure offers flexible adjustments depending on the current turnover situation. In slow times, the hotelier can set the price for a room low. After all, a low-priced room is better than no occupancy. Through this strategy, he can increase his turnover and appeal to potential guests.

However, there can also be busy times. Then the hotelier must not keep the low price, but can charge more money for a room. The guest is willing to pay for it.

Rack rates, i.e. price lists hung on the inside of hotel rooms, you can still find in many hotels nowadays. In the meantime, they have long since become obsolete! What the daily rate is in the city hotel business, in the holiday hotel business it is usually still the seasonal calendar.

Annual calendar for hotels

turnover increase with seasonal calender

No matter whether the price is recalculated every day or adjusted quarterly to the season: In order to achieve the maximum turnover and increase in sales, the hotelier must know his costs. The level of costs must be sufficient to cover the cost price. This is the strategic basis of a successful pricing strategy. At the end of the year, it brings desired profit, as well as an increase in turnover. For businesses with seasonal fluctuations, it is helpful to create an annual calendar with different seasons. This way you always have an overview of which price is current at which time of the year. The prices should change on the date entered. On online booking platforms, this can usually be set in advance using the calendar function.

If you take apart the figures of your business, you can turn the profit-generating wheels so that price optimisation leads to an increase in turnover and profit maximisation. This way, the hotelier has maximum profit with little effort!

Every hotel is a business

Running a hotel is hardly any different from running a business. Here, too, it is a matter of business strategies, sales increase and economic conflicts. The hotelier is salesman, sales, marketing, controlling, CEO and much more in just one person.

Implement levels and rack rates

With our tool happyhotel you have an easy overview of your rack rates and levels.
Rack rates and levels are classified and optimised based on the following metrics:

Events and Functions
Booking Curve
Booking Behaviour and Market Demand

You can increase your turnover very easily and quickly, with maximum control. Free integration and for the analysis of your PMS data the tool is even free of charge. Start now for free

Segmentation of target groups

Customers are often grouped into categories such as age, activity or attitude as target groups. To get an even better specification and segmentation of the target group, the hotelier should also analyse the channels as well as the purchasing power of the target groups. This helps in the distribution of the marketing budget, which can thus be used even more sensibly. Depending on the target group, you can use different marketing channels and reach out to each group differently.

Website optimisation

The hotel’s own website has become the most important marketing channel. Therefore, it is advantageous to have a well-structured and well-built website so that you can achieve high sales with it. A hotel website is no longer an information site, but rather a platform where potential guests can experience the hotel.

High-resolution images and meaningful videos that give a quick overview of the hotel’s services at first glance are important for this.

visibility index for your hotel

Nevertheless, the guiding principle Content is King still applies. Content is still the be-all and end-all for organic traffic growth and good SEO. There are many tools such as the Google Search Console, Sistrix or Searchmetrics that help to analyse the hotel website with selected keyword searches.

Conversion rate optimisation

The conversion rate via the sales channel of direct bookings should always be kept in mind to have a turnover increase in your hotel. If you have a poor performance here, you should revise the website and optimise it for conversion. Google Analytics is propably thte best basis for analysis. You should ensure beforehand that all tracking pixels have been implemented correctly. The conversion rate is therefore one of the most important indicators in online marketing and is always given as a percentage. It reflects the ratio of website visitors to completed conversions. This can be room enquiries, room bookings, voucher sales, etc. This is entirely at the discretion of the hotelier.


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Since the hotel industry never rests, an important way to success is to recognise new trends and respond to them. The best tool for this is Google Trends. It shows the search volume of users for certain keywords. This makes it possible to analyse at which times and to what extent search queries for a certain topic achieve a high demand. Through this analysis, one can optimally align one’s hotel concept for the market.

All in all, every different measure can help to increase turnover. All ideas serve to promote one’s own sales and can be planned in the long term through strategies.

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