With great attention to detail, guests at the Ulm Minster Hotel experience what hospitality means. The hotel also offers a perfect location right in the city center.

According to their slogan “come as a guest, leave as a friend”, the Hotel Ulmer Münster does everything to make their guests feel at home. If you want to get to know the city of Ulm and all its advantages, there is no way around this hotel.

Interview with Florian Röhrig, the operator of the Ulm Minster Hotel

Please introduce yourself briefly and tell us what makes your hotel or hosting role special.
Hello, I’m Florian Röhrig and I’ve been running the Ulm Minster Hotel with 22 rooms since 2014. My team and I are delighted to offer guests from all over the world a beautiful, privately run hotel in a prime location on Ulm’s Münsterplatz.

Did you or how did you do revenue management before you switched to happyhotel?
Yes, I have been working with revenue management since 2016. The prices sometimes had to be adjusted manually on a daily basis. After some time, I became aware of happyhotel and I was particularly impressed by the simplicity of the system and the personal support. I currently run two hotels in Ulm.

What were the decision criteria for happyhotel?
It is easy to use. In addition, the support from happyhotel is very good and only a few manual adjustments are necessary, which of course saves me a lot of time. The price is also absolutely fair for the functions that happyhotel offers.

How does happyhotel make your everyday life easier?
The system recognizes booking behaviour in good time and naturally also draws on the previous year’s figures. This means that manual readjustments are hardly necessary and the result is increased at the same time.

Which features of happyhotel do you not want to miss anymore?
The pick-up report in the morning. Here you can see exactly what happened the day before and what the next few weeks look like. That makes a lot of things easier.

What does the dynamic pricing process look like NOW for you guys?
The system recognizes demand and adjusts prices automatically. It is often the small price adjustments that have a positive effect at the end of the year.

How has your average workday changed since integrating happyhotel?
I used to spend 1-2 hours a day on revenue management. With happyhotel, it’s now only about 15 minutes a day.

What is the best thing about happyhotel? Which feature do you feel saves you the most time?
If necessary, the adjustment of the prices. This is because this adjustment is automatically transferred to the other room categories with the stored surcharge. In addition, you can switch from one hotel to another within the system without the hassle of logging in and out.

Have you already made a recognizable additional turnover and if so, by what percentage have you been able to increase your turnover through happyhotel?
Yes, we have definitely been able to increase turnover and have also managed to increase the length of stay of our guests. This has eliminated a lot of work in housekeeping, among other things, and the processes at reception have also become more relaxed.

What are your personal tips for future happyhotel users?
After a free test phase, I was convinced by happyhotel. You can rely on the tool and let happyhotel manage the permanent control of prices etc. with a clear conscience

What do you wish for the future of happyhotel?
A continued good and successful cooperation at eye level.

Digitization in the hotel industry – what should a hotelier start with?
Revenue management, channel managers and a digital guest journey. These three things make things much easier and are indispensable in today’s world.

What is your most important tool?
My entire team!

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