We show you everything you need to know about the job of a hotel manager. Do you also want to manage a hotel? Then find out what’s important and what to expect form a hotel manager career.


How do I become a hotel manager?
What are the duties?
These are the requirements
What makes a good hotel manager?
How much does a hotel manager earn?

How do I become a hotel manager?

You don’t become a hotel manager overnight and it is a long way to be able to stand your ground in this profession. The classic way to the top of the career ladder begins with an education as a hotel manager. Comparable apprenticeships such as cook or chef are just as suitable for a start. The suitable further training or even a degree with a focus on the hotel industry have a positive influence on the career to become a hotel manager. However, there is no typical apprenticeship or degree that will train you to become a hotel manager. Because experience is what is needed here!

Several years of professional experience are a prerequisite and help in everyday life to better deal with problematic situations. In the meantime, however, the focus is less on the title and more on skills and personality. This is independent of age and professional experience. Often people slip into this position rather by chance. Important for this job is a feeling for staff and good entrepreneurial thinking. This is not automatically imparted with any degree.

For a successful hotelier, however, the “travelling years” are of great importance. Through experience and getting to know different hotels and hotel sizes, a hotel manager learns a lot. For example: Reading numbers, foreign languages or also how to deal with guests.

What are the duties?

As a hotel manager, you have a lot of responsibility because you are informed about everything that happens in the hotel. This includes clean rooms, an appealing breakfast buffet, a hygienic wellness area and much more. He knows all the details of his hotel and knows exactly what is going on. Nothing escapes him! He also knows his regular guests by name and greets them personally.

The hotel manager is the hub of the hotel and coordinates all its departments. To do this, he relies on his hotel figures to make number-based decisions. But the guest always comes first! Because everything is subject to the satisfaction of the guests.

In summary, this means: the hotel manager sets the course for the entire hotel. This means he determines the philosophy, organises the entire management and presents himself as a sympathetic host.

These are the requirements

  • Communication expert in dealing with staff, service providers and guests
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Organisational talent
  • Entrepreneurial thinking
  • Enthusiasm and infectious towards employees
  • Strong leadership qualities
  • Stress resistance with energy and stamina
  • Creativity
  • Knowledge of budget & financial planning
  • Occupancy planning

What makes a good hotel manager?

A good hotel manager always has an overview of his hotel. He also always keeps calm in all the hotel chaos. He knows his numbers and the demand of his hotel.

Experience such as in the restaurant, at the bar, as well as at the reception is an absolute must-have to become successful as a hotel manager. In addition, qualifications such as sommelier training, experience in the kitchen and housekeeping procedures make it easier to get started.

Ultimately, the profession offers an enormous range of different tasks and a lot of variety! What is important, however, is that a good hotel manager must love his or her job!

How much does a hotel manager earn?

As a hotel manager, there are different employers:

  • Hotels
  • Bed-and-breakfast accommodation
  • Inns
  • International Hotel Chains
  • Small independent family run hotels
  • Motels
  • Cruise Ships
  • Theme Parks with accommodation and much more

The salary of a hotel manager is as varied as their employers. This is because the salary can range from €2,700 to €7,800. In Germany, the average salary of a hotel manager is € 4,393 per month. The lower salaries start at just under € 2,700. For highly classified hotels, the salary extends up to € 7,800.

As in many other professions, the region plays an important role. For example, average salaries in southern Germany are higher than in northern Germany. Other influencing factors are age, professional experience and the size of the accommodation. This is because the number of beds also increases the number of employees and thus the personnel responsibility.

Regular working hours are rather unusual for hoteliers, because they do not have a typical 9am-5pm office job. Instead, they are available all around the clock for all employees. Therefore, hotel managers usually receive bonuses in addition to their salary.

Other benefits include: free accommodation, meals and provision of uniforms.

All in all, being a hotel manager is an exciting job that involves a lot of variety. No day is like the other!

One out of many examples you can see in this video:


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